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Q&A: Import / Export of Lithographic Data

Q: Is it possible to create a structure based on picture?
A: You can use bitmap images to design lithographic structures. When you import an image into the NanoMaker each pixel of it is transformed into an element of the structure with the appropriate attribute - a dose, which dependent on color (hue) of the pixel. In order to import raster images of various types in NanoMaker, first convert them with any graphics editor, for example Photoshop, in BMP format. The color depth (bits per pixel) can be any of the possible for this format type, however when you import images into the program, greater color range will be converted to 8-bit to represent doses. As an example, let's import the splash picture of our product - splnano.bmp, which can be found in the installation directory. This color picture is in BMP format with a color depth of 8 bits per pixel.
  1. In NanoMaker select the menu command File->Import ...
  2. Then, in the Import Data from... dialogue select the document template Bitmap Image Files (*. BMP). Browse and open the splnano.bmp file.
    Browse and open the splnano.bmp file
  3. In the next Import dialogue just click OK.
  4. In the newly opened Import Image as Dose & 3D Attribute Map dialogue select the SQUARE_ (1umx1um) structure. This structure includes only one element - the box of 1 um per 1um size to represent each pixel of the initial image in the lithographic structure. Dose in a square is proportional to color depth of a pixel. So, the resulting structure will be an array of references to the SQUARE_ (1umx1um) structure. Enter 1 in the field Magn. X and in the fields Step X [um] and Step Y [um]. Thus, 1 um x 1 um squares will adhere to each other, and the entire structure will have size of 433 um to 300 um. Click OK in the dialogue to import the image.
  5. Import Image as Dose & 3D Attribute Map dialogue
  6. Close the opened by passing Edit Structure dialogue, to see just created design in a new editor window.
  7. Designed structure in new editor window
  8. Adjust the dose showing. To this end, open the Options->View->Editor tab. For Dose Color Coding set Min Level [%] = 0 and Max Level [%] = 255 (Fig. 4). Press the Dose Palette... button to open Dose Coding Palette dialogue and choose Gray Palette. Close consistently the Dose Coding Palette and View Options dialogues.
  9. Dose Color Coding
  10. Expand the first level of the structure hierarchy by pressing the 1 key (or View->Hierarchy->1). Turn on showing dose mode by pressing the Alt + D keys combination to see a picture like the one below.
  11. Structure design in dose show mode

If you want to scale the structure, first, selects it by pressing Alt + A and, then, open the Edit->Modify dialogue. Change the field Magn. X and fields Step X [um] and Step Y [um] accordingly. For example, to reduce by 10 times, type 0.1 in the fields and, then, close the dialogue by pressing OK.

If you want to change the dose range, selects structure by pressing Alt + A and, then, open the Edit->Modify dialogue. Change the Dose Factor field conformably. For example, to expand range by 1.5 times, type 1.5 in the field and accept by pressing OK button.

Use Transform By Formula dialogue options for more flexible manipulations with dose and 3D attribute distributions.

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