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Экспорт литографических данных в NPGS формат

Экспорт литографических данных в NPGS формат

November 25, 2009

Now NanoMaker can export proximity corrected data to NPGS. The new option starts with DXF/GDSII data import and after proximity correction prepares data in RF6 and DC2 files, which can be seamless used for exposure with NPGS. Recently published in download section the NanoMaker-Editor release includes the export to NPGS. NanoMaker-Editor doesn't include the proximity effect correction, but anybody is invited to send his data for such correction and get prepared data in NPGS format.

As a result of processing for proximity effect correction the initial lithographic structure is fractured into a considerable quantity of elements with a various dose. Of course, it would be quite borrowing to assign all the doses manually using NPGS only. Now, with NanoMaker's export procedure prepared data can be successfully transformed in format suitable for exposure with NPGS (see scheme in Fig. 1)
NanoMaker transfers exposure data in format, which could be used seamless by NPGS
Fig. 1 NanoMaker can transfer (proximity corrected) exposure data in format, which could be used seamless by NPGS

The export procedure allows to select one named structure from GDB file (or GDDII, DXF, ELM files), which will be transferred to DC2 and RF6 files. The procedure exports not the whole structure but only elements within selected layers. All hierarchical elements in the named structure are decomposed up to basic elements (Area, Lines and Points). The elements are grouped according to Dwell Time and a couple Layer number + Color number is assigned to each group, regardless of original layers. Then, the elements are transferred to DC2 format file (with extension *.dc2) and simultaneously Run File (RF6) is formed and necessary information (like Area Dose, Line Dose, Point Dose, Origin Offset, Magnification, Center-to-Center, Line Spacing, Aperture Number, Measured Beam Current, …) is added together with links to and attributes of each DC2 file.
Due to difference in lithographic data arrangement the export from NanoMaker to NPGS is a bit more difficult in comparison to export to GDSII or AutoCAD formats. Before starting the data export one need to define parameters of exposure process like exposure steps and dwell times, by setting relevant process parameters via Recommended Parameters dialogue (see Fig. 2).

After starting the export procedure a dialogue window Export to DC2 and RF6 Format Files appears (see Fig. 3).

To continue export procedure necessary structures and layers should be selected from the whole structure and then only values of Magnification and known constant Mag. Scale should be defined.
Continuation of the export procedure will produce DC2 and RF6 result files in designated directory.

Fig. 2 The Recommended Parameters dialogue is used for setting of process relevant parameters like beam size, accelerating voltage, resist and substrate type, resist thickness, beam current and resist sensitivity

Fig. 3 The Export to DC2 and RF6 Format Files dialogue is used to define data to be exported and to set magnification parameters
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